KING - Mark is back!

I recently heard from one of the KING old-timers whose name is Mark.

While Mark is not one of the original KING students (unlike Dirk that I mentioned in this article), he bought KING quite a while ago (in 2010), and became very good at using it. He sent me more than one e-mail mentioning his progress; here's one that I actually used in the KING testimonials section.

Like Dirk, Mark took a break from trading, but he's back. And back to KING. No surprise here. Take KING seriously and you will be doing better than most wannabe traders. Mark did and he is a walking proof of that.

One thing that impressed me about Mark is that, as he said in one of his e-mails to me, he had read through KING materials 20 times (I quote this from memory, so I may be a bit off) and took copious notes.

I purchased KING and the NT indicators back in 2010. I did very very well with KING and even mentioned on a testimonial.

Are you surprised that he is a winner?

You should not be. The more you put into something, the more you get out of it. Commitment to things you want to be good at pays off, sometimes in ways you may never imagine or expect when you are embarking on your study/practice.

Becoming good at something is rarely a 20-hour affair and yet many people I hear from every month seem to approach it this way. Needless to say, when it comes to trading, they will be eaten alive by those who know it better.

There is no substitute for practice just as there is no substitute for a good, proven methodology. And yet some people seek what they call "easy." That appears to be their main criterion when choosing a trading methodology. Well, good luck with that. If you want to make money as a trader you use what makes money and not what's easy. It's not like I am saying it the very first time on this site.

Making money as a trader is not exactly easy, but with the right methods it will eventually become almost automatic. With "easy" methods it can only become a habit to lose money.

Mark was also one of a few KING traders that agreed to act as references. Dirk, mentioned earlier, was another, along with 2-3 more. But except for PP (the first KING supertrader, not counting Katherine, who was really the founding mother of the whole methodology), I have never used them. I used PP only once or twice.

The reason I am rather reluctant to use references is primarily this: KING is a discretionary trading methodology and the fact that you can succeed at it does not mean everyone else will. Note how dedicated Mark was to his study and practice. People like him will succeed with KING, and will enjoy studying and practice, but most people are hardly like him; some may even dismiss KING because it's unlike anything they saw before, which to a smart person, who understands what the trading edge is about, would be a reason to take KING seriously, but to a trading dummy it is the total opposite.

No one gets extraordinary opportunities by taking the same, ideally "easy" approach everyone else does. But you can do much better than most by trying to be a bit different. There is no safety in following what everyone else follows.

KING is hardly the only discretionary methodology out there, except that some of them are not even disclosed as such, but are offered as "systems," whatever that means, but usually not what the buyer thinks it does. Hence, what I said above applies to other products of this kind, except for the results. Well-trained traders tend to do much better with KING than with other methodologies. I believe that it is as easy to master KING as it is any other trading methodology, so why exactly would you want to master anything else?

Posted on March 17th, 2016.