George IV - Introduction
This section provides a few concise bits of information about George IV that I believe can be of use to those considering purchasing this system.
What follows was true at the time of writing (2008) in the context of a mechanical, objective trading system that George IV was designed to be. While it still remains largely to be so, at this point, though, George IV is being offered as a set of trading strategies that can certainly benefit from discretion.
1. The system was released on 11/25/07 and its results since then can be seen here. These results are for the original ES market and are based on the John Schwab's version of the system that has a slightly different choice of stop-loss and target parameters than the original version based on the initial stop-loss of 9 pts and the target of 18 pts. The results for the original version, seen here for the period before the release, continue to be good too and are comparable to the results of John Schwab's version with the target of 15 pts.
2. The results for both ES and YM for 2008 can be seen here. While the results for ES could have been achieved in actual trading, the results for YM should be treated as purely hypothetical as they have been released only on 7/13/08, although they have been derived from the system rules for ES and if anyone wanted to implement these rules for YM starting in January 2008, that's what they would have obtained.
3. A bonus, named Georgette II, was added to the system on 4/21/08. The strategy this bonus contains is marketed at the prices far exceeding the price of George IV.
4. Only 100 copies of the system will ever be released. The price of the system is being gradually increased. Buying now guarantees a better price than buying in a few weeks.
5. Those buying George IV now will be entitled to a discount on KING, the main project I am working on at this point which I hope to release later this year.
6. The system's performance is being monitored all the time and slight modifications as well as some additional ideas to be used within its framework are suggested from time to time to make it even better. There have been 7 updates of the system since its release, each one adding some value to it.