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KING as a trading philosophy

Can you make money with KING?

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students say

"[...] I'd like to say that I'm really impressed with the KING method and all of the materials you provided to help learn it. There's a wealth of information there and I feel like I've only begun to scratch the surface." - Dan

"The genius part from my perspective is that the simple act of reading it, digesting it, organizing it, laying out and setting up brought a level of clarity not commonly available to those looking for help." - Todd

"I told you before but I'll reiterate it one more time...your methodology and tutoring exceeded my expectations." - Dave

"My English is not good enough to explain to other students how easy it is to make 500-1000 dollars every day." - Dick

"King's methodology dispels many misconcieved notions that prevents people from making it as a successful trader." - Richard

"In the first three days I had 70 straight wins and averaged over $1000 a day after deducting commissions. Today I had a further six wins before the one loss I incurred. I then went on to have a further 37 wins and finished the day with almost $1000 in profits after deducting commissions." - John

"Over 25 trades taken. 3 small losses with a net profit of 1,000.00 even on one contract. Whew.. No groveling intended.. but the beauty and simplicity of this system becomes more and more apparent with each new trade." - PP

"Speaking of winners and losers, since going live with TradeStation KING, I've had 34 winners and 5 losers." - Rik

KING - e-mini day trading course

"My results are still extraordinary good and again I thank you for that."  [more ...]

"That means that in four days I have made $4000 (on the simulator) and had 113 wins and only one loss." [more ...]

"These days, my goal is $1,500-$2,000 a week and I usually reach it in 3-4 days, so I have a longer weekend too." [more ...]

"Today I was the top trader of 150+ traders who have all been given $1000 accounts of real money."  [more ...]

"KING has been truly a godsend for my family and me."  [more ...]

"T10 W9  L1 B/e 0  Net$ 870 (on 6 contract basis YM) [more ...]

2022 can be YOUR BREAKTHROUGH YEAR trading e-mini futures just like 2008 was for Katherine and 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 for many others.

You can order KING and have it downloaded right away even if it's 3 A.M. KING's regular price is now $1600. A new formula of this popular e-mini day trading course has recently been released. It is a great offer, especially at this bargain price.

Katherine's best emini day trading results

Are your results like this? 40 winners out of 40 trades. Yes, over $1,700 in one day. That's nearly 2 grand. Achieved with 1-2 contracts only. Can you do that well?

Are you that consistent? Because a successful KING student is. More than one of them.

Are your entries as powerful as KING's? See these green dots? That's Pure Evils shown on the NinjaTrader charts. Actually, Mr.Market calls them "Mr. Pure Evils." Out of pure respect, of course. You don't want to find yourself on the receiving end of one of those. Trust me ...

One of my early emini day trading results 1

One of my early emini day trading results 2
One of my early emini day trading results 3

And when was the last time you dealt with a vendor who also traded as opposed to merely selling stuff that did not work for him either? Yes, the above results and well over 500 more like that are mine.

Don't stop reading yet. While this page may be long, it may also be life-changing, and that's hardly an exaggeration for the proof of this keeps on coming ... but nothing will change if you don't even read it through.

But before you proceed, let me briefly mention just two things that not many e-mini trading courses can boast of let alone match: 1) KING is one of the least expensive comprehensive e-mini trading courses out there, and 2) it comes with unparalleled quality and quantity of evidence that its ideas work. Just two things. Just for starters ...

KING is an acronym. Just like NASA, USA, or JFK.

As such, KING stands for "KING Is Not George" to distinguish it from my other products that belong to the George family of purely mechanical trading systems. This is so because KING is not a mechanical trading system, but rather a trading methodology that you can apply to day trading ES (S&P 500 e-mini futures), YM (Dow Jones e-mini futures), or other e-mini futures markets, Forex, or perhaps even stocks.

I trust you figured out why I used a bold font above to explain the origin of KING's name. This type of acronym is referred to as a recursive acronym. See Wikipedia, if you don't believe me.

You can also think of KING as an emini day trading course based largely on my original discretionary emini trading ideas that have served me well over many, many years. A good sample of five of these years can be seen here.

So at first there was the word. Or the name, KING. For a new thing that would not be another mechanical system, but rather a collection of trading ideas and strategies that I had used over the years and that I continue to make money with. They belong to the category that I would call, for lack of better name, intuitive trading. At least some of them. The problem was though that I had too many of those and I had internalized them so well that any description of them would likely be incomplete. Sure, if I spent enough time I could make it as complete as possible, but then I am not sure if the reader would not suffer to the point of giving up right after the reading. Or maybe I was wrong.

And so having this cool name, KING, I was still stuck with the dilemma of what to put under it. And how. And that's where Katherine appeared. Again.

I got to know her, via email only, as one of my George IV clients. She liked this system and was even kind enough to send me a testimonial. And then, a few weeks later, she contacted me again asking for my help with her day trading, for mentoring of sorts.

I obliged. If only because I thought that it might be a good idea to test my KING ideas on her in their most simplified form. I thought that since she liked George IV a lot and was likely a bright person (she's got a college degree in physics), she should be able to add details to these ideas through practice and observation. With my mentoring help, given enough time and perseverance, she would be able to make a living off of them. Or so I thought.

I was wrong. Totally wrong! I did not know that I was in for a major shock.

She started making money with these ideas literally the day after! And then proceeded to make money 5 weeks in a row (with a break for the July 4th week) closing each day in profit. The first two weeks, her daily average was over $100, just as she planned, then she raised her daily goal to $200+ only to average over $300 daily in two weeks of the 5 weeks mentioned.

These and other truly outstanding results prompted me to consider offering KING ideas to others. Katherine also urged me to do so. And that's how KING was open to the public. At first, only in a limited manner to further test its potential. I will be honest with you: initially I did think that Katherine was some freak of nature; not that I doubted my methods, but I have never seen them executed that flawlessly.

Yet more tests of KING performed on the students from two mentoring sessions confirmed that KING can indeed be an enormously useful methodology in the hands of many a trader dedicated to mastering it.

Now, that does not mean that everyone will do equally well with it, but that one can do incredibly well with it, as quite a few people have reported. It's up to you, the trader, to own its power, but even those who have been less successful with it report a very decent level of satisfaction, to put it rather modestly, I think. You can see some of these reports in the testimonials page of KING's section of this site.

So what do you need to succeed with KING?

Here are some things that are totally indispensable.

1. Commitment to success. The trading methodology is only one, though very important, element of success when it comes to trading, especially discretionary trading, as is the case with KING. Without serious dedication to this business, you are unlikely to succeed. The positive attitude is a must. Wimps, whiners, curiosity seekers, closet Holy Grail seekers should not apply. And neither should pathologically inflexible persons for discretionary trading requires flexibility they are unlikely to produce.

2. Solid self-confidence. Trading is a tough business and I am not going to lie to you that it's otherwise. You will have great and not so great days when trading eminis and if you lack confidence in your ability to persevere and come ahead as a winner when a day or a week is over, you are better off to try something else. While trading is not for everyone, those very dedicated and confident enough, stand to reap great rewards. Success may be easier than most people realize it, but sadly many are afraid to even give it a try. Yes, it's totally up to you ...

3. MultiCharts, Ninja Trader 8, Sierra Chart, or TradeStation. The standard (native) indicators for Sierra Chart are free, but you can also get custom designed indicators (currently unavalaible, but coming back soon) for this charting and trading platform as well as for NinjaTrader 8, MultiCharts,or TradeStation. The custom KING indicators for these platforms are only $100. Still if you want to, you can also use Amibroker, Ensign, or Metastock, but you may need to do some extra programming with these platforms, if necessary to accommodate all KING indicators and functions. But since all indicators are fully disclosed and very much standard, I would not anticipate any problems with these charting packages.

4. A simulator to practice trading KING, which means that you also need a data feed and that means that you may need to open a brokerage account and perhaps even to fund it with a few thousands dollars. Some of my clients use Sierra Chart for simulation, others very much prefer NinjaTrader, which is available for quite a few e-mini brokers out there. If you have an account with Interactive Brokers, I also recommend Bracket Trader or Zeroline Trader in addition to NinjaTrader.

5. Enough money to afford paying for KING without living on the street for the rest of your life. I am not trying to suck you dry. In fact, I think I am charging a very modest fee compared to what others charge for their tools that have yet to show the potential even remotely close to KING's. If you don't believe me, do your homework to see if I lie. And if I lie, don't do business with me. So, yes, you need money and I would feel bad if you spent your last savings on KING. Take care of other things first. This also means that the purchase of KING is not refundable. This is a deliberate policy meant to discourage curiosity seekers. I don't have time nor patience for these people. If you are not serious enough about becoming a successful trader or can't afford KING, please wait until you are or you can. I don't need your money, but I treat this as a business and I expect to be paid for my work. That's how capitalism works and that's the best system ever invented, even if far from perfect. I also provide plenty of evidence on this site that KING ideas work. Probably more than any other vendor out there.

One more thing, which while not at all indispensable, is recommended is George IV. I prepared a special section dedicated to this issue, so please check it out here.

Before you head to the order page, I would like to tell you what you will get for your money.

Two main things in KING's package are the manual (more about it here) and the document covering the KING's Basic strategy. But the whole package contains many more documents that are meant to help you understand KING better. For instance, there are about 30 Word documents containing daily reports that show KING ideas in action illustrated by pictures showing relevant charts. These reports were created during the first two mentoring sessions of KING.

Moreover, KING is meant to be a continuing education kind of project, so more documents like that as well as videos will be served almost every month if only to emphasize or review certain things. Some will also contain new ideas. But don't get me wrong: to get the basics of KING down all you need is to read the two documents mentioned above. And then practice, while continuing reading more materials at your leisure.

You will also get access to the former KING forum, where the mentoring was conducted, so you can read what other students have posted. In future, a new forum will be created as an addition to a trading room, but for this I need some more KING graduates.

And as far as mentoring is concerned, if there is some interest in it, I will be happy to offer some more 1-2 week long sessions for a small extra fee. Remember though, that you already have plenty of materials from the two mentoring sessions and as one of my highly successful students observed, that may be just enough. What you need though is practice, practice and then more practice. That is what you need to focus on once you have ordered your copy of KING and have learned the KING Basic strategy.

And now let me sum up what you will receive when you become a proud KING owner.

1.The 20 page KING manual and the document covering the KING Basic strategy. This is the core of KING; both of these documents are PDF files.

2. Many additional Word documents. Some of them, including about 30 daily reports called Highlights of the Day, were created during the two mentoring sessions and so being able to read them means that you have access to the same knowledge my first KING students had. Many more will still be coming as part of your continuing trading education that KING offers.

3. Over 25 videos showing how I execute KING ideas in real time. More videos like that may still come in future.

4. NinjaTrader, MultiCharts, Sierra Chart, and TradeStation templates for KING. The templates for these platforms with custom designed KING indicators are available for free.

5. Access to the forum where two mentoring sessions took place. You can read what my first KING students posted in there. Alas, as of 2021, this is no longer possible as Yahoo! closed down its groups, but I preserved (archived) it in some way and you can have a look at it if needed.

6. The right to free updates. Version 2 of KING was released in early 2011, KING - New Formula was released in June 2015, and other updates may still be offered in future.

7. The right to my e-mail support. While many students never really request it, I am always happy to offer my help, if you need it. And I do my best to reply within 24 hours, very often within just a few hours if not minutes.

8. The right to participate in the KING educational forum, a future trading room, and any mentoring sessions I will ever offer. This forum can now be used for individual mentoring sessions offered as part of KING - New Formula.

And all that for less than a grand. (Ooops, not any more...) While I was very determined to keep the price of KING competitive, that did not mean that it would stay below $1000 indefinitely. If you are still wondering whether you are getting a good deal, I suggest you compare the KING offer to the thousands of bucks that others charge for their e-mini trading courses and similar products ...

Moreover, you are not paying thousands of dollars for someone's summary of all trading books out there or some magic black box indicators. You are paying for the original stuff with all relevant information fully disclosed, so you can even improve on the KING trading ideas if you wish so. And that feature alone is probably worth hundreds of dollars, if not more.

If you want to order your copy of KING now, here is the proper exit.

But before you take this exit, I want you to know that I treat this business seriously. In the past, I would accept only those who had bought George IV first and did not get discouraged by it. Not that George IV is some scary type of thing, but if you are not a self-motivated person, I am afraid, you would probably be struggling with it. However, I believe that it is largely because of this vetting process that the success rate among KING graduates is at least 30% according to my estimates, which is a much higher rate than many others in this business can claim (10% at the very best). And I am not even talking here about how spectacularly successful some of my students are. Out of the first 25 students of mine, 5 have reported spectacularly good results. Just see the testimonials page. That's an unbelievable 20% rate, already!

Please remember that you will not become a consistently profitable trader overnight. The best of my clients took a week or two to master KING well, but most will take a few more weeks. That's true about practically all other trading methods out there, except that they can hardly boast of equally great results and, as a rule, come with a much bigger price tag. So, in a way you have a choice. Except that you really don't... KING beats all other stuff hands down! Yes, KING rules...

Any questions? Let me know at emini_methods@yahoo.com. While the KING success has made me a very busy person, I always reply to emails from prospective clients. At least once, more if I think you stand a chance to succeed in this field.

Before you ask any questions, please do me a favor and make sure that you have read this page carefully and the comprehensive KING FAQ as well.

And now let me now briefly sum things up for you with this short video.

Yes, that's where the smart people go next.

And when I finally decide to write horror stories for a living, I will tell you where all the others go. I already have a few good titles for them. I kinda dig crypt-ic titles. Like "Slaughterhouse $7500." But that's really a totally different story. Plus, you probably don't want to hang out where all the losers do, do you? I thought so too.

"Some parts are well known to me, but how you combine them - amazing." - Dirk

This kind comment was made by a German student of KING. Considering that Germans have the highest IQ among all European nations, this does seem to suggest, if I may say so, pretending to be as modest as I can, that KING resonates well with bright people. I talked to my lawyer and he says that I don't have to apologize for that. He says that bragging is still totally legal in America. This country has some amazing laws ... But then again, maybe you are smart too.

You certainly don't have to be a Ph.D. to succeed at e-mini trading. Trust me, I should know it ... And while the majority of my clients appear to have some college education and some even have graduate degrees, I strongly believe that it is the willingness to use one's brains that distinguishes the smart people from the dumb ones and not strictly the level of formal education.

I will now let you in on a big secret. You and only you. Because you are so freaking special. But you have to promise me that you will never tell this anyone else. Okay? So, here is this big secret: "If bright people like your stuff, there is a good chance someone is making good money with it." I happen to know a few of such people already... Making money. With KING. Maybe even right now.

And you? Still trying to understand how on Earth did you end up buying that system that every "investment moron" was supposed to make money with? So sad ... But look at the bright side. Perhaps that means that you are finally learning that unless you master trading so that you own it, you will always be on the mercy of those trying to sell you something designed just for you.

That's where KING is meant to help you. Without appealing to your "inner moron" or to your greed of making gobs of money with little or no effort whatsoever. Trading can be mastered just like driving a car can be. You would not be the first one to do it. And probably not the last one either. Yes, this takes time and some effort, but what's your alternative? Becoming a system junkie? Being perpetually lied to that there is some fast and easy way to day trading riches that even a moron can handle? Good luck then. You will need it.

"The genius part from my perspective is that the simple act of reading it, digesting it, organizing it, laying out and setting up brought a level of clarity not commonly available to those looking for help." - Todd

I do believe that if you are serious about trading emini futures and willing to give it an honest shot, KING's methodology will certainly help you become a better trader. At the very least, that is, because if you are truly ambitious, you too stand a chance to become as successful as Katherine, Dick, or PP, to name just a few of the very successful ones. And I really doubt that this kind of trading excellence is possible with any other approach to emini trading out there, although I admit I am not without a bias here.

"I told you before but I'll reiterate it one more time...your methodology and tutoring exceeded my expectations." - Dave

A popular saying maintains that "you are what you eat." While this formula may be valid for squirrels and lesser beings, for humans a different formula is at work: "you are what you choose." I am convinced that I am offering you a good choice. A choice to make you more successful, and ultimately, if you stick to it, financially independent. The rest is up to you.

Right now the price of KING - Basic Formula is $1600.