KING - Special results
I was compelled to add this section after the last two emails I got from Katherine, who in the course of only 3-4 months went from a big chicken little to a monster chicken on steroids. Yep, she is now that good, or rather that "bad."
Check out the screenshots below and her emails that came with them if you don't believe me. The trades documented on them were taken using Bracket Trader, one of the platforms I recommend for using with the Interactive Brokers TWS.
The first picture shows her first day of over $700, which was her new daily record, and notice that her last trade did not last even one second (!) as she notes it in her e-mail.
Her new daily record in YM
Her best day ever ...
Only to be improved the same day
And since she sounds very cryptic in her e-mail that accompanied these two pictures, let me explain that the first of them shows her first day over $1000, and the other shows her new record, well over $1,500, set the very same day.
Now, here is another e-mail I received from her commenting on her best week yet, which was possible also due to a very sharp increase in volatility. And the picture below shows her second best day from that week and the second best day ever. One comment from me: she meant Thursday, not Wednesday.
Her second best day ever
Yep, she ain't any chicken little any more. She is the baddest ninja chicken I have ever seen!