KING - Posting e-mini trades on Twitter
I am now posting my e-mini futures trades on Twitter. And when I say "e-mini futures trades" I really mean the trades in the Dow Jones e-mini market, usually referred to as YM, which is its ticker symbol. This is what I trade almost exclusively these days. I am sometimes asked if other markets can be traded with KING. Yes, they can, but isn't it a good idea to specialize? The more you know about your market, the better. Every bit helps and may give you an edge, even if slight, and you want to have all the edge you can possibly muster.
I started posting my YM trades on Twitter on May 21st, as you can see from my growing gallery of Twitter images, all of them screenshots of the Bracket Trader platform with the list of completed trades. I try to post within 1-2 minutes after a trade completion, though at times it may take me slightly longer (up to 4 minutes) to find a right screenshot in the folder I keep them in, upload it, and write a brief comment on Twitter. There may still be some room for improvement here, but I have managed to post many screenshots within merely a minute from a trade completion, which is not bad at all. I am not aiming at any records, either.
I don't start posting on Twitter until I managed to make at least $200 on any trading day. I simply don't want to be distracted by anything until I reach this amount, which is my minumum daily target. And it is also to avoid distraction that I may never be able to use Twitter to post my trading intentions before I take a trade. We are talking about quick scalping here and you definitely don't want to be horsing around with anything that can interfere with your trading. But I might try something like that for other trading situations if they develop. Just for fun.
What follows are 11 of my Twitter posts from June 4th, 2013 embeded in this page. This may be the record number of my Twitter trade posts in a single day, but many days sport a number of such posts (4 or more) as well. For still more, check out my Twitter feed (see my contact page for that) or my Twitter image gallery mentioned above.
That's it. Over $200 again.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
Obviously, yet another quickie, the second today. Time for a break.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
One more and probably the last one today.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
Lucky seven again. That was an easy shot, so could not resist.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
And another quickie, that's just too easy: 6 seconds only.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
A quickie that was not. I hate those. Probably the last one today.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
The tenth and ...
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
Another quickie ... enough for today?
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
12 is my number, also the number of fingers of Babylonians (just a joke). That's it for today. Well, we'll see.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
Violating the sacred 12.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
14 is a new 12. And that's it definitely for today.
— emini_guy (@emini_guy) June 4, 2013
I do not know of any other trading vendor who is using Twitter to demonstrate the value of his or her trading ideas by showcasing their trades almost in real time using this medium of communication. I am not quite sure why this has not been more popular among vendors. I am guessing that they prefer more talk. With only 140 characters allowed per each Twitter post, I suspect this may not be enough for some to convey how good their trading methods are. But then again, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Posted on June 23rd, 2013.