KING - KING New Generation (or finally an e-mini futures trading course priced right!)
This little "manifesto" of mine is largely correct (though it was primarily meant to be entertaining), except for the pricing of KING, which is still evolving. As of the time of this update (8/31/2015), KING is being offered as a self-study course for only $1400. This includes NinjaTrader 7 or Sierra Chart indicators, and George IV, an excellent mechanical e-mini futures day trading system (with great looking equity curves) along with its few brethren (3 more e-mini futures trading systems) that too offer some educational value, to say the least. The price for this formula, KING - Basic Formula, is unlikely to change much over the next 6 months. However, the price of the additional mentoring program will soon be going up to $2,000 from a rather modest price of $1,500 and may reach $3,000 next year. Those who purchase KING in 2015, will be granted access to the mentoring program for only $600, provided they apply for it this year too. This mentoring program includes access to the KING trading forum and materials from KING's 3rd mentoring session, both mentioned below in what the $1975 package planned before would include. I decided to keep the price even lower than $1975 and offer some extras at a higher price, simply because those extras would take more of my time, which now that I am also consulting more and more often for some hedge fund has to cost more too. You can read what follows if you want my (somewhat humorous and yet sadly true) take on my competitors' offers.
KING, an e-mini futures day trading course of some renown, is finally about to be priced right! It has been underpriced for years compared to its competition. I could also apply quotation marks around "competition," as I just did, but for a different reason, but I am more classy that. At least, in this very first paragraph. Which is still being pretty classy, no?
Let me briefly tell you what this $1975 package contains and why it is worth its price.
Briefly because I may expand on it elsewhere. If I don't sound apologetic enough, that may actually have something to do with the fact that you normally don't apologize for being successful. The trading world, crammed with idiots, losers, and sociopaths, is anything but normal, though.
1. Everything that Version 2.0 contained, which was a lot already (dozens of text files, dozens of videos). This can be called version 3.0, except that it also adds totally new things, so this is beyond 3.0. ($1,200 value)
2. George IV, an excellent, mechanical e-mini futures day trading system for ES and YM, with results that every loser out there would decry as "too good to be true" ($300 value)
3. Custom made indicators ($75 value)
4. Materials from the 3rd KING mentoring session, 10 files ($300 value)
5. Acess to the KING trading forum, dedicated primarily to day trading e-mini futures run by someone who has spent over 10 years trading e-mini futures and with pretty good results (the technical term is "impressive," and that's the word my competition would be using all the time if they were half as good as I am) ($100 value)
6. 8 weeks (2 month) of tutoring based on George IV, as a foundation for safe, effective trading, and KING (priceless!)
Some trading educators (and I use this term very loosely) would charge more than $2000 for a 6-week coaching session alone. Heck, some would charge even $3000 or so for 7 days of coaching. Yet, there is no evidence on their sites that they can actually make money trading. Even on a simulator. No evidence that they can create a useful mechanical trading system, which is a good, objective measure of one's insight into the workings of the markets. None of these, whatsoever. Compare that to 6 years of KING trading results alone or about 3 years of solid track record of George IV.
These, incidentally, are just two examples; you will find more in another article on this site.
For those who might still not not understand why my trading ideas are superior, and not just less expensive, here is an answer using a piece from a famous cartoon: "Because they work, bitches."

I don't think it is unreasonable, to put it mildly, of the prospective student to see some quantitative evidence of his or her educator's trading prowess or, at the very least, ability to design trading strategies that work. I also don't think that it is improper to compare my offer in this regard to that of my competitors'. Heck, even mighty Microsoft, does that, bitches. That would only be improper, even highly, if I tried to misrepresent their offer.
But how exactly do you misrepresent something that is just silly "expert" (almost classy, no?) posturing by way of inflating prices and other marketing tricks. More importantly, though, I am not one of those who would engage in this type of practices. I have been, however, on the receiving end of such practices, and on more than one occasion. I have mentioned the issue of smear and manipulation here and also, but in another context, here, and I still intend to address it in yet another article on this site and on the KING's trading forum I am launching. Those bastards and sons of the bitches ... should finally be held accountable for it!
Posted on October 31st, 2014.
Updated on November 2nd, 2014.
Updated on August 31st, 2015.