KING - Can you make money with KING?

Or can you make money trading emini futures, at all? Knowing that you can make money with KING will answer the other, broader question, so let's focus on KING.

I do not think that it's hard to answer this question. And it's not hard to understand that this answer has to be in the affirmative.

I have provided plenty of evidence for that on this site, and this evidence keeps on growing. For instance, there are almost 400 screenshots with my daily emini trading results. And from time to time, I receive emails from KING users that tell me that they have put KING to good use. I may no longer post them in the Testimonials section, but that does not mean that newer email success stories or other evidence of KING's usefulness or power are not coming.

They are and in this article I would like to share one such email with you that I particularly like because it was not even meant to be a testimonial (in the very conventional sense of this word, at least), yet it can tell us a lot whether KING can be a useful trading tool or not. Technically, KING is a trading methodology and an emini trading course, but ultimately, it is a tool to extract money from the market.

I got this email a few months back from a client that bought KING in late 2010. As you can see from it, he is doing well. In fact, so well that he is considering switching to full-time trading. Obviously, I do wish him all the best in this endeavor.

Is full-time e-mini day trading in your future?
Successful emini trading with KING.

So is KING useful? Can using it make you money? Well, I trust your intelligence. I am sure you can easily answer this question on your own just as I am sure that this answer will be as good as mine.

No, I did not charge him for my assistance. KING's support is free and this includes support for issues like his. He would not be my first client to request this kind of support and probably not the last one.

Yes, support is free and that includes helping you with other issues as well, for instance, making sure that you are set up properly with your indicators, a thing that some people may have problems with, even if very rarely.

However, since KING is a self-study course, you are expected to do most of the work on your own, which can be done quite well, as you can see from the PRH's testimonial that I highly recommend your attention as his is a total beginner's success story.

I may offer mentoring from time to time, but that's not included in the price of the course, which is why KING is much less expensive than most trading courses of its type and size. Trading courses that include mentoring cost thousands of dollars more. To give you an example, one such a course that I know of costs as much as $6000!

I am not sure what impresses me more in this case: the chutzpah of the guy who charges that much or the total lack of evidence that his ideas can actually make you money. And that's just one example, and not even the most extreme one.