KING - Launched!
I launched KING on 10/11/08 announcing its first mentoring session with the email message that follows below (at the bottom of this page) sent to those who had purchased George IV from me.
The second message, announcing the second mentoring session of KING was sent out on 11/12/08 and you can read it below too. You may want to check it out if interested in KING as it contains some pertinent information.
Now, before you read this message, please allow me to tell you a few things about KING that I believe you should know.
1. At this point, 11/20/08, there are no more spots left for the second KING mentoring session. However, a special holiday offer was just announced and you can get your copy of KING for only $600 but without the mentoring part, which I don't think is so critical. There are only 5 copies offered in this special and they will be distributed around December 23rd, 2008. You can prepay for them now, though, provided you own George IV, as this offer is only for those who have bought George IV before. To do so, simply send me $600 via Paypal to my Paypal email address: As of 12/14/08, all copies of the holiday special are gone. More copies will be available on February 1st, 2009, but if you still want to get your copy for $600, you need to prepay for it now.
2. If you don't qualify for the second session of KING, you will still be able to buy it for just $700. Only 15 copies of KING will be sold at this price, which will then be raised to $800 for the remaining 20 more copies. After that, if I decide to offer more copies, it will be at a much higher price. I have other ways to capitalize on KING, so I am not sure if I ever release more than 50 copies of it. And certainly not for less than a grand. This is a solid offering, if there ever was one. Here are some recent pictures of swing trades that this trading methodology generates as a proof that I am not kidding you. Even at $1000, this stuff would still be a bargain. I know well what others sell for much more ...
3. Only those who bought George IV can apply for KING at this point, so if interested, buy it. This is so because I will use some ideas of George IV in KING to define the market bias. It's a good system in itself, so I don't think, you will consider it a waste of your money.
4. There are already plenty of results here from my first trainee, who has done so remarkably well that I am afraid most people will think that her results are too good to believe. Yes, I realize that, but I had to choose between faking them so that they appeal more to those of little faith (meaning virtually everyone) and not faking them. Well, you know what I have chosen and I don't feel like apologizing for that... That does not mean that everyone will be able to trade like her, although this is not impossible, but I have a strong feeling that everyone who wants to succeed at trading eminis, will succeed after participating in KING. It's more a matter of time than anything else.
5. I am not much of a salesman, but even I realize that there is still another problem with this offering of mine: its price, which is very low especially if you consider the results. Don't worry, it will go up, but I don't think I will ever charge $7,500 for this, so if you are one of those fellows who really have to buy the most expensive things out there, I am afraid, KING may never be good enough for you.
6. Here is the final point that is supposed to deliver a knock out punch, and if it does not, you are probably dead already. Here is what I mean by that. There are two very important things you will learn from KING that are probably already worth the price of $600. I will list them now.
a) The worst mistake beginning traders make and that is probably not what you think; you may save yourself literally hundreds to thousands of dollars knowing this, not to mention months if not years of your time.
b) Why you need a trading coach and that again is probably not why you think you need one and how this can make a huge impact on your trading.
But there is much more in KING, of course ... For instance,
c) while KING can pinpoint quite a few trading situations, most of them suitable for quick scalps, there is also one neat setup that targets swings, which could easily pay for KING within a month or so with only 1-2 YM contracts.
Here is the email that announced the 2nd KING mentoring session.
I have been under some pressure from a few of you to let you in on the first training session of KING. Unfortunately, this was not possible, the quota for the first session were exceeded, if only slightly, and I could not admit anyone else. But I would like you to feel better by allowing you to book your spot for the second training session of KING as soon as possible.
So now you can do it. This training session will start around December 22nd, which is when you will receive your materials and will have about a week to review them, and it will then continue for two weeks in January, when the proper mentoring session in a Yahoo group setting will take place. Since you will be getting a lot of stuff from the first session, you should be fine with only two weeks of mentoring.
This is the last time I am offering KING for only $600. Starting next January, but perhaps even this December, the price of KING will be increased to $700 and that's without the mentoring part, which will be offered separately for $400 or so. I remain committed to offering the complete value of KING for less than $1,500, at least to those who have bought George IV, but I believe that separating the reading part from the mentoring part is a better, more effective solution. Also, I have received a few emails lately from people who seem to think that there is something wrong about KING being so cheap, so I decided to meet them halfway. You cannot please everyone, but in this case, I can certainly try.
Because of that, if you are on a tight budget, signing up for KING now could be your best option ever.
You can book your spot for session #2 of KING by prepaying $600 via Paypal. My Paypal ID is: When paying, please mention when you ordered George IV so that I can verify it. Only those who bought it, can apply for KING. I am planning to accept only 8 persons, and when this number is reached, I won't be accepting anyone else. Also, I will not accept anyone after December 7th, 2008.
I don't want to disappoint anyone, but please keep in mind that I have no magic potion that would turn you into a wonder trader overnight, so if you think this will happen without any effort on your part, please, don't even apply. I am a successful trader, I know what it takes to become one, so if I am to help you, you need to be prepared to put my ideas to work and stick to them until you are good at applying them, which I believe, will come sooner rather than later. Success is more likely than most people think, but only you can make it happen.
KING is a work in progress and may remain such for a while, meaning that I plan on adding to it in the months if not years to come and since I have plenty of what I believe are good trading ideas, I am convinced that everyone will find in it something useful and profitable. If not now, then in future. But the sooner you buy it, the better price you will get. The updates will be free with the exception of few things such as special trading templates that may require someone else to develop them. In fact, the very first update of KING that you will receive will contain things that the original did not.
KING is meant to be all you need to become a winning emini trader. Of course, you have some other choices, but most of them start well over $1,000 and have yet to prove that are better than what I have to offer for much less.
Please read my email announcing the launch of KING posted here: This email, located at the bottom of the page, tells you what is required of you in order to fully participate in KING.
Any questions will be answered after December 14th, when I am getting ready to launch session #2, so please don't ask now as I am busy with other things. There is already plenty of information about KING on my site, anyway. You will be able to get a refund at any time before the next session starts if you wish so, you need to prepay only to book your spot. I have no other way to arrange for this given the limited number of spots, if I am to make sure that only those who are serious enough about it participate in KING.
In a day or two I will post this information on my site and that is likely to increase the competition, so you may want to act sooner rather than later. Since you are my clients you are receiving this information ahead of others.
And finally, here is this email message that launched KING.
I am planning to launch KING in the first week of November. The first copies will be sold at $600 to those who pay by the end of this coming week, that is Saturday, October 18th. Others will be given another chance, but at a higher price of at least $750. The price is likely to go up even more in the months to come as I am going to make this program better and so more expensive. New things are likely to be added, such as videos, for instance. Those paying for it now will receive the upgrades free. If I start a chat room, you will also receive a discount for it. I am not big on chat rooms as I don't think they are particularly effective for training, so I would treat it more as a call room rather than a training room.
Only those who bought George IV are going to participate in KING. Others will be offered this later on but at higher prices.
Also, first come, first served, meaning those who pay first will be given the chance to participate in KING first. I will take no more than 5 people a month, or more exactly per 4 consecutive weeks as that's how long this is going to last. During this period, you will trade some strategies you will obtain from me, ask me questions, receive my advice and things like that. This will be done via email and through a forum to be set up for this purpose. It will be intense. If you are not among those first 5 to be selected for the first training group, you can still participate later at the same price of $600 if you pay before October 18th, 2008. October 18th, 2008 is the last day to secure your participation in this coaching program for only $600. Once you have paid, you will be given your participation number, and if it is between 1 and 5, you are in the first group, otherwise, you will need to wait. The first group will receive the training materials on Friday, October 31st and the training will start on the Monday to follow, although I will answer your questions starting November 1st, 2008. The first five persons to order will receive a cool mystery bonus that should be helpful not only in trading, but in life, in general, as well. You will be told the address of the forum a few days before October 31st, so you can register prior to the training. Also, you can have your money refunded if you are not among the first 5 accepted, if that's what you want, but you will also lose your position for the next round of training. It's up to you.
Now, here is what you will need for that.
1. Sierra Chart (you will receive a template from me to trade my strategies; they can work with Ensign or Tradestation or perhaps Amibroker as well, and if interested in these options, please contact me about it, but using Sierra Chart is preferable as this is what I use too and so this way you will be on the same wavelength as me, so to speak),
2. An account with an emini broker and a simulator (NinjaTrader or a similar type; Bracket Trader or Zeroline Trader are recommended for Interactive Brokers),
3. Time during the regular day trading session to take 15-20 trades (you want to practice as much as possible and in real time),
4. Strong commitment to success,
5. Money to pay for this without affecting your other needs as this is not refundable (you are paying not only for my strategies, but also for my time, and understandably, I am not going to work for free) - please note that others charge much more for something like that, offer less personal attention, have less in terms of success to show for, and may or may not offer a money back guarantee, so I am convinced that my offer is quite good, but it's up to you to decide.
I know that the economy is bad right now, but that's certainly a very good reminder of why you want to be financially independent and daytrading eminis could be the best way to accomplish that.
Any questions, please ask before October 18th. After that, they will not be answered, but there will be another period like this one to ask them, when I am taking on another bunch of traders for coaching.
For more about KING, with results of Katherine, my first trainee, see my website. Yes, her latest results (in the Special Results section) may look too good to be true, but if you take into account the recent huge volatility they are probably not so surprising. And they show that she has made a very nice progress over the last 3-4 months, which is what matters most. Obviously, I have no magic pill to turn everyone into a successful trader like Kathy, but with your diligence and my advice, it is possible to jump start your trading career and become a consistently profitable trader within a few weeks or months instead of years.
You will be dispensed my advice over many days, which makes it easier to absorb. I will spend this time pointing out good trading opportunities and commenting on them and that makes it much easier to learn than by following examples from the past. Each day, I will post several pictures in the forum illustrating good trading situations during that day and will answer your questions. But there is still more to the whole business, which I will disclose to you once you are enrolled in this program.
I am committed to making this the best emini coaching program online. It's only a matter of time before it becomes one because unlike most others in this field, I am a trading practitioner. I have spent years trading eminis.
If interested, please ask questions now and if committed send me $600 via Paypal by October 18th, 2008. My Paypal ID is Please mention when you ordered George IV, so that I can verify it.